Dex, a Wastelander “router,” and Emrald, a Temari bounty hunter, share a moment after both surviving a corporate attack near the end of Parallax Book 1 (Illus. Lauren Cipollo)

The Parallax saga has come a long way since the initial stories we posted here 2-3 years ago. We’ve revamped them, woven the stories together, and built them into an epic spacefaring cyberpunk trilogy.

And as of a week ago, we have submitted Book 3 to our awesome publishers at Aethon Books for editing. For books 1 and 2, the editing process took about three weeks. Now, we’re expecting about a month if all goes well, to turn the draft we have now into the Final Publishing Draft.

At that point, we will be collaborating with Aethon to figure out the REALLY fun stuff.



-INDIVIDUAL BOOK NAMES (right now they’re just Parallax Books 1-3)


We’ll also be learning all the other aspects that come along with bringing a book to market, and no doubt sharing what we learn with all of you!

We’ve gotten to know a number of Aethon authors over the last year while we’ve been shoring up our novels. It sounds like things are going to start moving quickly now. With luck, we’ll have some actual books available on Amazon by the end of the year, though we’re obviously hoping much sooner.

More news as we have it!

Life as a writer is not as lucrative as the film world would have you believe. For this reason, we like to thank those of you who help us do what we do. We always make sure our Patreon backers are the first to know about any and all Cinevore developments. You know, just sayin’. In case you want the inside track.

Hope you are all having a wonderful 2023 so far…

Our two lead protagonists, Hemlocke Shaw, spaceship engineer, and Paige Angstrom, Terran Systems Peacekeeper, as illustrated by co-author Lauren Cipollo.


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